Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Book ONE SKYPE time

Hey campers,

For book one, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Skype meetings will be Tuesdays at 8PM Central (aka Chicago) time. The first meeting will be June 9th.

If you are not familiar with Skype, the following should get you started.

1. Download Skype (it is free)
2. Pick a user name and set up an account
3. Search the contact list for amberginsburg
4. Add me to your contact list

When it is time for the conference, I will see you are online and call you from a conference line.

NOTE: There will be multiple people online. Please have headphones or the feedback is unkind. If you have the fancy kind with a speaker great (like they use for telemarketing), if not, regular ones will work.

Enjoy the first 1/4 of Jane Jacobs. I have started the reading and I am finding my walking and bike riding are more nuanced. I see a bit more of my neighborhood through Ms. Jacobs.



Susan Nevelow Mart said...

I'm have an appointment next Tuesday, so I'll miss Skype, but I'm loving the book - a prime example of her discussion about safety is our own apartment - when we moved in the streets were deserted and unsafe - now they are busy - because the neighbors were aghast that drinking might go in at night, I had to write a letter to the city council supporting the first new nighttime use - the billiards parlor - saying we wanted people on the streets at night, so I could walk around safely -


Amber Ginsburg said...

No problem. This book, while honing my skills for recognizing positive attributes within the city, is very accessable reading. We can talk about the first two sections next week.


Amber Ginsburg said...

No problem. This book, while honing my skills for recognizing positive attributes within the city, is very accessable reading. We can talk about the first two sections next week.
